Today’s been a lovely day, even recuperating. ThatManILove has pretty much grounded me to one of our living room chairs, my left leg up on pillows, with a circulating polar ice therapy machine cuff wrapped around my knee.
We usually travel over Christmas, due to the fact that both of us had prior marriages and children. Children of divorce have to split their time between all their parents, so we try to make it as easy on our boys as possible.
But this year, we had discussed: Christmas decorations? Yes, or No?
Susan and Jacey Glover of Ruth and Naomi Landscaping came over and put winter color in our flowerbeds. I heard they were making Christmas wreaths, and asked to see them prior to their show. They came over and let me pick one out, and and a date to install the tree and decorate was made from there. They are such sweet ladies, and really know how to put the plush on!
So...welcome to the creation of our first Christmas tree.
Here it is at the start.
And here come the first ribbons. Isn’t the lime green color wild? I love it!
And more decor.
And now, the brown fur ribbon! Yes, fur!! (Fake, of course!)
And....all the accoutrements! Looking awesome, and they're not even finished yet!
The red pheasant feathers. What? You've not ever seen a red pheasant? Take it from me, the accomplished bird hunter…they don't exist. But aren't they beautiful?
And here?

The wreath, that started it all. Well, that, and ThatManILove. Here's a final shot of the tree.
I like it… this picture doesn't do it justice - it's absolutely beautiful.
Dang. Does this mean I have to go shopping now? But I'm grounded...