It’s been an awesome year for our household. I’m expecting nothing less in 2015.
Which says a lot, given the price of oil has tanked. My hope, however, is in the Lord. He is our provision…our peace…our Savior.
2014 was a year of great restoration for us, in that we were
reconciled to our younger son, and blessed to meet all three of our beautiful
grandkids. By the way, have I told you,
they all hung the moon? We are totally
in love with our grands and I so get it now when people say all the goofy
grandparent things…I so get it.
Zack and Zanna the Wonderdogs are both thriving and doing
well. They continue to provide us a huge
sense of enjoyment…I believe our boys still swear that the Wonderdogs have
stolen their inheritance. And they may
be right. I swear, I think Zack gets
younger every year…but the gray on his muzzle tells another tale. He still acts
like a pup most of the time, though.
I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils at the first
of 2014, and we have fallen in love with the benefits of living healthy with
the oils. They’re an amazing God gift to
us, and we love all the people we’ve come in contact with because of the oils.
Work has been a joy for us, we both love what we do in this
crazy energy industry. God is good.
The Lord has knit us into many relationships in the past
year, and we are totally enjoying the healthy flow of those relationships.
It’s been a very good year. Thanks for being a part of it!
I pray you good health, peace, prosperity, great friends,
and most of all, many blessings in 2015. May the Lord bless you and keep you and