Yesterday morning, I was heading to work and I saw some purple sage, in full bloom.
I'm a desert girl. I live in the land of high heat, sweltering cars, and the horrible feeling of walking out of a perfectly comfortable air conditioned house into the breathtaking heat of the dog days of August.
But purple sage? A beautiful thing to see when in it's glory! And it makes the heat bearable...because it bears a promise of cooling to come.
Abloom as in this picture, the purple sage is telling us West Texans, "Hey, y'all. is a'coming this way...and soon."
Better than the farmer's almanac, I tell you.
And what a blessing the rain is, when does it fall. It's rained the last two days.
I love it. And I love purple sage bushes.
Long may they bloom.
#youngliving #purplesage #rain #westtexas #lovemyessentialoils #random