Meet Bailey.
She’s a miniature schnauzer.
And we were blessed to babysit her for the night.
When she strutted in, she was like a pimpin' Steven Tyler, pre-drug free days. Wondering who she might conquer, and what she might destruct, all in short order. No mountain was too high, no valley too low, she had it faded.
I took one look at this bit of black fluff, and figured out I’d better get her bluff pretty darn quick or I would pay for it over the next 24 hours. So I began to blow her mind. With training, not drugs. I know, you're still on the Steven Tyler line, aren't you?
Within an hour or two, she was sitting upon command, and downing upon command. By the next round of training, I had her giving me 5 with one paw while sitting down.
She would retrieve a pig ear rawhide for me to throw again.
And before the night was out, she was asleep, upside down, in my arms.
I’d better watch out. She already knows how to order our favorite drinks at Starbucks.
AND schmooze the Barista.
She’s so smart she’s already figured out how to steal our hearts. Or at least maybe help heal them a little.