Wow. Time has flown by! Thanks for all your comments and prayers.
In reference to my “Cancer Sucks” post, my brother-in-law is doing well post surgery. Once ThatManILove got off his current well, we went and stayed with them a couple of days and had a lovely time!
His pathology report came back clear, which is excellent news. I appreciate your continued prayers for Mark.
At the same time, we received a report that TMIL’s oldest brother, Mike, is out of remission and he’s undergoing chemo again.
Man. So I’m going to hold my thought: cancer still sucks. But I’m praying for another miracle! Join me, if you will.
Since I last wrote, I’ve been in Houston, Waco, Dallas, and Denver. It snowed 10 inches in Denver, and when I left that lovely city, it was a cool 17 degrees. Brrrrr!
I’ll be heading to Houston twice this week, once for a meeting, and the second time for the American Association of Drilling Engineers Fin Feather Fur Food Fest! I will quit eating, in preparation for this huge Thursday gala, on Monday. If you’re near Humble, Texas, buy a ticket and come on! Everything cooked has to be wild game, either fin, feather, or fur related. It is so much fun...I’ll post pictures!
My friend Brooke, at her brother's MUD birthday party in May. Love this picture! |
My little friend Brooke, who is 10, helped me do baby bump shots yesterday. I’ll be editing her pix today (she shot right alongside me), but here she is, doing art work on the mommy’s tummy.
Brooke, working away! Heather, mommy of the baby bump, was quite impressed! |
End result of Brooke's art work. |
We had a great time!
Happy parents-to-be! |
When I left Brooke yesterday, she was shearing her lambs in preparation for a stock show this morning, 2 hours away. She's a hard working little girlie, and I love her so!
Brooke, shearing her show lamb. |
Hope your week is lovely. Thanks for hanging with me!