Friday, July 13, 2012

Hummingbirds, Part 345

Okay, I just made up that title.

But in the evenings, when time allows, my camera and I have been hanging out in the back yard.

As have the hummingbirds.

Here’s what’s happened in my back yard lately.

Isn't this cool?  Taken at dusk.  No flash.

Taken at dusk, also.  Flash.

This is his "I'm a SuperHero" pose.

SuperHero, Intensified.

Morning.  I think he thinks he's a hummingbird.

I think he's an acrobat.

Now, he's just getting cocky.  Beautiful, though, right?


  1. love, love, love those little birdies, thanks for sharing

  2. Aw! Those hummingbirds are so cute. We used to have then, too, when we had our house. What a joy for a yard!

    And the House Finch, too. (It looks like a House Finch, but I can't be sure from the pic.) Comedian, or what?

    Thanks for sharing this!

  3. Aww so sweet. I love hummingbirds. They're always a treat and your cute, comical photos are even more so.

  4. Eagles and Hummingbirds are my two favorte birds. And that is a finch, or a hummingbird that ran into a wall.


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