I pride myself on parking.
Specifically on back-in parking.
And being a person of the oilfield variety, for safety
reasons, back-in parking is suggested and most often, required.
AND I am fortunate to have a rear-view camera installed on
my truck, which makes back-in parking ALMOST painless.
I’m in the DFW area this week, and have been to many
customer offices and parking garages.
Yesterday, I’m in a pretty tight multi-level garage, and
people are coming around the corner at high rates of speeds. Those two facts, observed by yours truly, led
me to do the right thing.
(At least, I thought it was the right thing.)
I carefully backed into my parking space. Plenty of space around me for the other
vehicles’ ingress and egress, I gathered my belongings and went into the
customer’s office.
A couple of hours later, I’m back at my vehicle.
And gasp! Shock! WHAT?
There is a piece of paper on my windshield.
My coworkers are laughing. I'm not.
My first thought? A
ticket. But for what?
Not a ticket.
And because their rule is for safety purposes, I can't even throw down the "big picture driving" rule.
It's never boring around here.