Friday, August 5, 2011

Whiny Butt (okay, it's the week of the butt posts.)

My trainer you’ve gotta be getting tired of hearing about her laughed at me today.
Not sure if it was because I couldn’t do the freakin’ plank, whatever that is, (and I know what the celebrated plank is, believe me) or some-other awful thing she wanted me to contort and do, and by the way, do 20 repetitions each side. No wonder I'm falling down on the stupid toilet.  I swear it would be easier to wet my pants.
I told her, huffing and puffing and sweating like a hog running from a 55mph Polaris,  “I’m going to get better, I promise.”
And she said, “I know.”  In my head, I could hear a little sneer "bwahahaha, my pretty, I'm going to GET you!"
Me:  “I’ve gotta quit whining and just rope the hell up.”
She: “Girl.  You don’t whine at all.  I have one client that tells me no for 30 minutes of her workout.”
Me:  “No?  It’s an option? Seriously?”
She:  “I mean she tells me she’s not going to do the exercises I ask her to do...for about half of her hour.”
In my head: “Dang. I mean, what’s the freakin’ point of coming at all? That woman MUST be a bit** RICH.”


  1. I just had a coughing fit. I consider that exercise. (I used my abdominal muscles) When (if) I stand up, I'll be using thigh muscles.

    And I will think of you when I break a sweat. lol

  2. Ha! Must be nice to have cash to burn. She does use of some calories, though, with all that complaining.
    See that--you're no whiny-butt Janie Girl! ;)

  3. Summertime, and the butts are goin' crazy...:)

  4. This is good, I worked as a trainer and heard it all, I like how you said all from your point of view.I put out some cheese and crackers a few times to go with all the whines.

  5. This is funny and you're right! I hear patients all day in the dental office where I work that complain and say they don't want to be there--One day when someone starts about how much they hate the dentist, I'm going to say 'well no one is holding a gun to your head to be here.'

    I'm glad you're sticking to this--I have a gym membership and haven't been since I got the puppy--You're giving me the inspiration to return!


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