Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Who Are You Going To Be When You Grow Up?

Today was an interesting day.

I set up a lunch to affect introductions between a young lady I’d never met, and a friend, who had once been a lobbyist in D.C.

And then, I watched.  It was a very informative lunch, one where the more experienced woman gave advice to the younger, less experienced young lady.  And we came up with a strategy to help her, and to afford more introductions on her behalf.

The young lady listened, took mental notes, and immediately did all we asked of her. Her resume needs a little tweaking, and I think we need to have another meetingbut, I think she’ll go far, once she finds her way.  She wasn't shy, she wasn't cocky, she just asked all the right questions, and listened to the answers.  I think she'll turn out to be a hard worker, and one with integrity and character.  It's who she's designed to be.

It’s fun to be a part of the connection, a gathering of the right people, that eventually helps form a path to a career.  Most of us have benefited from help such as was given today. 

I'm appreciative of the help that has been given to me.


  1. I refuse to grow up; that will spoil all the fun.

    1. Good position. Extremely good position. Will you share it? I think I'm going to adopt that position, my self.

  2. that's great that you can give a leg-up to someone just starting their journey.

  3. ALL successful people had a mentor along the way. I hope she doesn't disappoint and let you down.

  4. A love4ly pay it forward moment.


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