Saturday, September 3, 2011

Oh, Hummingbirds...Come Hither

I have plants (amazingly, they're still alive in this horrible heat) that draw hummingbirds. 

To bring my little friends in,  I also have hummingbird feeders.  I have them all over the outside perimeter of my house.

 I have all sorts of hummingbird feeders, all over!

I love the feeders, and I love hummingbirds.  In the limited times I've been home lately, I've seen three different types of hummingbirds.

But this one feeder, under this plant?  This is the one they like the most.  They have two feeders, adjacent to this one, and they will swarm this particular feeder.  I wish I could remember where I got it!

They like this plant, which is way across the patio from the feeders.  And it's almost reached the end of it's season.

 This little dew plant?  The hummingbirds love it.  I have four of these plants.  Three of them bloom profusely, one not so much.  They buzz all around these dew plants.  I'm glad - the plants are one of my favorites and I bring them back every year.
 I have no idea what this plant is, but I love the little flowers.  They are trailing down from the hanging baskets and are beautiful.  It's the end of the summer, and they've just now started really growing.  Gorgeous.

 I guess I'll just hang out this morning and wait on my little friends to show.

Sharing with Weekend Flowers.  Go see!  Beautiful flowers, there!


  1. You do have some greenery despite the 100+ and no rain for months on end. My mom likes hummingbirds, too, but never gets many.

    From the archives, here's a post I did many moons ago with hummingbirds. LINK

  2. I am jealous you have been so successful with attracting our little friends. I love sitting and watching them. Last year we saw quite few here but this year not so much. Good for you.

  3. nice..hope you have fun with your friends...hummingbirds are so of my clients have feeders and they are all over the place...

  4. Beautiful flowers and garden! Most I like the pink ones :) Thanks for joining us on Weekend Flowers with this lovely pictures!

  5. nice that you give them so many options - natural or man-made - to choose from!

  6. How about "Janie come hither" :) That'd make ME happy :))

  7. Hummingbirds as such beautiful creatures. We had feeders for them; a few came from time to time. You're so fortunate to have many "little friends," Janie!

  8. How lovely, what a wonderful sight they musy be feeding from them!

  9. So you think they prefer the feeder that most resembles a red flower in the wild? Surrounded by leaves?

    We've planted red blooming plants in our landscape to attract hummingbirds (red cannas, hibiscus bush, etc). We have no feeders because we're bad at changing the water frequently enough - and they get all moldy and mildewy. So we stick with plants and see one or two most evenings.

  10. I think the pink one might be Verbena -- but I'm not 100% sure...

    You have a lovely collection of plants -- I can see why the hummers like to hang around your back yard! :)

  11. I miss hummingbirds -we don't have them here.

    Love your photos.

  12. Humming birds are so small and so amazing. You are lucky to have them there.We don't have them here - Dave

  13. Wow, you sure know how to make a fellah envious - hummingbirds? heat? superb images... thanks so much for sharing them.

  14. I absolutely ADORE hummingbirds! I keep telling myself that I should start feeding them again, but I haven't done it. Perhaps next year ....

  15. What beautiful photos! I love little glass hummingbird feeders. I found a couple of whimsical glass feeders last year and hung them this summer. We get hummingbirds now and then but not often enough!
    I think I need that red feeder of yours. ;)

  16. Oh they'll be there.. which such a welcoming plant life and feeding options.

  17. your trailing (dew)plant with the red flowers is called hearts and flowers (common name) and i believe the bot. name is aptenia cordipholia (sp.) Sorry plant nerd here but had a hard time identifying it myself a few years ago. There is also a variagated variety. They also root easily. Whoda thunk my useless information would come in handy one day. lol

  18. I imagine they prefer that one feeder because it's buried inside a plant and provides protection and a cooler nectar. I MISS my hummingbirds in Indiana! But there was always one "yard guard" always on patrol.

  19. Really nice flowers, and I love the hummingbirds too. I only have one feeder up right now, and next year will add another. I had no idea that they could be 'territorial' to their feeders--But I've seen one chase the others off, so I guess they like to keep a good thing to themselves!

    I hope you've had an enjoyable weekend!

  20. How good of you to remember to fill the feeders. Not me. And that is so not nice for the birds. People like you make up for those like me.


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