Last Friday found me at the Bustin’ Clay for United Way, which benefits United Way of Midland, Texas.
I worked alongside a team of great people most of Thursday, and from daylight to dusk Friday, to host a fun, productive shoot. We raised close to $200K, which is our biggest take yet. It was so much fun seeing everyone. Our town is one of those that makes raising money fun. We give away lots of good stuff.
And sometimes, ya know, it’s just your day to win. And win, I did.
A Sig Sauer 1911 .45 caliber pistol.
Now, I’ve just got to learn how to shoot it!!
I won another gun, as well, but donated it back, and it ended up going to a young man that had just returned from serving our country in Afghanistan. Before the gun drawing, we had asked him to stand up and be recognized, and he received a standing ovation. Beautiful.
Of everyone that was there, our young veteran deserved to win. I'm glad he did.
Let's go shoot some targets, compadre! I gotta figure this gun out!
It's never boring around here!!