Cleaning Up and Cleaning Out....Part 2 - Custom Fit Hearing Protection, V.3 (or 4. Or 5. Or Heck, Who Knows?)
So, y’all know, by now, I spent part of last weekend cleaning, ditching, packing, giving away and mailing unwanted goods.
I last shot my shotgun at the AADE DFW Sporting Clay Shoot at the Dallas Gun Club in August. I love going there, it’s a good shoot, and the custom fit hearing protection people are always there, ready and willing to take your hard-earned $$$ and fill your ears full of funky colored wax (you get to choose your colors) and create, just for you, your own special version of custom-fit hearing protection.
Best thing since Blue Bell Cookies N Cream Ice Cream, I’m telling you.
I think I might have ordered my 6th pair, overall, this year.
Pair 1 & 2, probably 10 years ago. Pair 1, with baffles, for shooting/hunting. Pair 2, no baffles, for high noise frac jobs.
The only problem with having multiple pairs is when your son can wear the EXACT same pair of custom fit hearing protection. They tend to disappear if y'all are on a mom/son shooting date/excursion. (Oh, Mom. I wore them by mistake to the team roping that night.) (What?)
So, back down to Pair 1, muy pronto.
Next year, at a shoot, I ordered another set. Then, later that year, one side fell off the keeper string while hunting. Or, heck, you make up the story. I'll believe it, I promise.
Anyway, somehow I again ended up with ONE pair. And at the AADE DFW shoot this year, post shooting our rotation, we were running around. Went to Bass Pro. Because, you know, we don't have one of them thair fancy stores here in the West of Texas. Got back out to the range. All of a sudden, I’d lost 1/2 my hearing protection. I felt like a bad fishing know, like when you pull that beautiful taut line out of the water and...there's nothing on that hook? Yeah. Me.
So, I trucked over to the trailer, and did the “Please, please, pack my ears full of that cute purple and pink wax, and I’d like a purple string, please sir. I’ll pay you to do that.”
Followed by 7 minutes of looking stupid, sitting in a chair, trying to figure out if everyone around you is talking TO you, or ABOUT you, or really doesn’t even give a flip that you’re sitting there looking super goofy.
All this story to preface another. Lordy.
So. Back to the closet, this weekend, the one closet where years of purses are stacked to the max. One of my helpers says, “You gonna attack those purses? Because I won’t go buy one if you have one I like that you no longer want.” Or some wheedling whining hopeful remark like that.
So, I give her a look, and dove in.
I go through each purse. I dig out money, dental floss (unused), combs, Jane Iredale lip gloss (now that, people saved me some bucks!), and of all things, a set of custom fit hearing protection. Just rolled up, not in its special little case, just sitting in a purse. In the zipper part. You know, for protection.
So excited!
They look relatively new, too!
So, now, in this fall of 2013, I’m ahead 3.5 pairs.
Don’t even ask.
I’m HAPPY, people. Happy! Happy! Happy!
What did you say?
You share custom ears with your son? oh