Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Home, Home on the Range…(links provided)

I'm a little late posting yesterday and today…but I'm here!

So glad to be home…for four short days.

The Wonderdogs will be home shortly for a short respite from the boarder.

My list of stuff to accomplish in those four days to get ready for a National AADE Board Meeting (housed within a three-day National AADE Technical Conference) is a little overwhelming, but I think I've might have it drilled down to manageable. (no pun intended)

I just finished my Pathways WALK.  I'm really excited about the next phase of my training, and I have some homework to do.

AND Friday night, we get to see REO Speedwagon at our local Wagner Noel Performing Arts Center!  I "heard it from a friend"!!!

And until then, I'll keep on loving you!!

Check out REO Speedwagon here!


  1. REO still making the rounds - have fun! (and it's OK to sing along)

  2. Enjoy you say at home...I love to travel and I miss is now that I am retired.


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