Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Trek Less Traveled Or Some Verbosity

It’s New Year’s Day.

We are heading north from Kerrville to Big Spring to pick up our Wonderdogs.  If you’re new to this blog, the Wonderdogs = Zack and Zanna, both German Shorthairs, trained hunting dogs...who, by the way, have their owners trained perfectly to do their (the dogs) will.

New Year’s is a time of resolutions.

We really haven’t made any resolutions...but tomorrow?

Tomorrow starts day 1/10 of working out.  10 days in a row.  I figure it’s the only way I’m going to get back on track.  I was working out 3 mornings a week with my trainer, until late September, when the last push of my event season happens. (Not that I'm a freakin' event planner, but I could so do event planningin my sleep.  My oil patch event season lasts through October.)  And then, I realized through this time that I’d really not been sleeping, figured out I was having a hard time breathing, and I went to the doctor.  

Who promptly diagnosed me with asthma and allergies.  And scheduled a sleep test, which I failed, because, DUH....I couldn’t go to sleep.   I passed my allergy test with flying colors.  I was allergic to almost everything.  Which pisses me off (but I bet you knew that) to no end.  So, allergy shots.  Three each, twice a week.  I’m going to go through the regimen (I think, the third such in my life?) and be healed.

In my early walk with the Lord, I did some studies on diseases...and found many of them have a spiritual root.  Because, you know, by His stripes, we are healed, right?
Yeah.  And the spiritual root of allergies is...fear.  And I’m one who’s never scared of ANYTHING.  So, I’m a little pissed that, somehow, I’ve opened a door to that stupid thing.

I’ve got some spiritual work to do, as well as some physical work to do.

I’m getting back on track. I have to do so. I have some goals, like visiting Clara Wiggins' work, The Transformation Initiative, in Kenya.  We sponsor some children in that organization, and we want to meet them, as well as see if there's any other way we can help out. I have to be way more fit and hardy than I am at present.  It’s going to be a long trek, but I’m pointed down the path and slowly and surely, I will arrive.

I’m also going to try to get back on track with writing. I function better when I take a minute to journal...and in the past, have done it on this blog.  I’m going to try to be more open, and not just tell you the crazy stuff that happens in our lives...though I’m sure you’ll get a little of that.  And, at first, you might get a little whining...because my trainer is determined I succeed.  I’ll try to keep it at a minimum.  Promise.

I promise.


  1. Happy New Year! Sounds like you have a plan! Allergies suck.. I think I may have more than I realize..but I am old you are young..so take the shots!:)

  2. It's your place, you are allowed to whine here.


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