I’m an oilfield girl. Well, maybe not girl, anymore. But, a lady, in the oilfield.
Many a day, I’ve donned a hardhat, steeltoe boots, jeans, H2S monitor, safety glasses and trekked around out on a location. Early mornings. Late nights.
Running into town to grab breakfast, or lunch, for the company man and my crews. Which usually entailed lots of sodas, chips, burritos, burgers, fried chicken, for me, and for everyone on location.
We’d fry turkeys. We’d boil shrimp or crawfish. Anything, to give these guys a break from eating lunches brought from home.
I’d make my famous oilpatch crack in a cooler - a mixture of frozen strawberries, whipping cream, angel food cake, and vanilla pudding. An entire cooler full. The workers LOVED it.
I was remembering this morning that my usual oilfield breakfast would be a 20 oz. Dr. Pepper, a fried bean burrito from our local convenience store, and a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos.
I kid you not.
ThatManILove and I, because of some gastro health issues, went on the Great Taste No Pain diet a couple of years ago, and changed the way we eat. We felt so much better. It’s really a change in the order in which you consume food. And, we changed our diet to about 85% gluten free. (Yeah. We have been known to consume bread at our favorite upscale restaurant. And maybe even the Butter Rum Cake. Shoot me.)
This morning, for breakfast? Steamed squash, steamed asparagus, and 2 boiled eggs.
Doritos’ and Dr. Pepper stock has had to suffer in the past two years. And I can’t even stand looking at one of those fried burritos now.
I know those guys loved you to death. There is nothing like a unsolicited bit of good humor from a pretty lady. I hear! It never happens to me. I approached a hooker and she just pointed at me and laughed...walked off down he road holding her side laughing. I had the please know she DIDN'T get my money. Dammit!
I know those guys loved you to death. There is nothing like a unsolicited bit of good humor from a pretty lady. I hear! It never happens to me. I approached a hooker and she just pointed at me and laughed...walked off down he road holding her side laughing. I had the please know she DIDN'T get my money. Dammit!